Tag Archives: politics

IMF Continues Call For Global Currency

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced last week that the IMF is preparing to one day heed the call for a global reserve currency to take the place of the dollar.  This is worrisome considering that the Euro, which used to do better than the dollar, is tanking in Europe.  Strauss-Kahn in a speech said, “That day has not yet come, but I think it is intellectually healthy to explore these kinds of ideas now.”  The IMF has already moved to using a basket of currencies and plans to use that same method of special drawing rights to set up a global currency.  Last year, both China and Russia called for a move away from the dollar and Vladimir Putin even carried around a coin that he referred to as a new global currency. 

The nations of the world were locked together in a global economy after World War II to prevent a future world war.  Thus, whenever one country starts to falter, every country is affected.  The IMF was formed in 1944 at this time to oversee this global financial system. The IMF has grown from 45 original members to 186 countries.  One person’s idea of a global system to prevent war is another person’s way of implementing a new world order after a global economic collapse.

If you think that a global currency is far off in the distant future, than it is time to wake up.  There are organizations like the Single Global Currency Organization that are already pushing for a global currency to meet the demands of a global economy.  Their website states, ” The Single Global Currency Association was incorporated in June, 2003 in the U.S. State of Maine.  Morrison Bonpasse is the first President of the Association, with his term running through 2015.   He publicly declared his support for the Single Global Currency during his campaign for State Representative in 2002.” 

Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve Chairman, actually made that statement for the need of a global currency.  Keep in mind that Volcker is the Chariman of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.  The systematic dismantling of America’s free market system by the government makes it very apparent that there is an effort to push the world into an economic emergency that would birth a new global currency.  And what better to run a global currency, than a global government?

My Interview On Parcbench

I’m pleased to announce that I have a three part interview appearing in Parcbench.  Part One is out today with the other two to follow in the upcoming month.  Do you wonder how I could possibly be christian, conservative and…gay?  This interview will help answer your questions.  Check it out here and please leave your comments so Parcbench knows that this kind of content is interesting.

The Health Care Summit: The Joke It Promised To Be

I have maintained for the past two weeks that the Republicans should not even show up for the Health Care Summit being held today.  The GOP leadership decided to go ahead and show up.  I also maintained that if they did show up and the President presented anything except a blank piece of paper, that the Republicans should get up and walk out.  They are still sitting in this Summit currently, which has just taken a break for lunch.  The day has been an utter joke and waste of time.

President Obama has harped repeatedly on time limits, especially after Republican members make statements.  John Boehner finally asked what the limits were since they had not been specified and McConnell points out that Dems have gotten 52 minutes compared to Repubs 24 minutes.  There was no real answer from the President, but I can gather what the President’s goal is because he stated it today.  The meeting is set to last six hours and the President has promised that they’ll get this settled before the day is done.  Of course, we know what an Obama promise is worth – zip!  Plus, my common sense brain reminds me that they have been at this healthcare insurance reform effort for a year and gotten nothing accomplished.  The President gave a clue on his way to the Summit of what the plan is if this does not work.  A reporter asked if Obama had a plan B and the President responded, “I’ve always got plans.”

Republican Alexander Lamar started the Summit by calling out the Democrats on their threats of reconciliation, which I believe would be the President’s real Plan B.  The Wall Street Journal has actually detailed a Plan B which is a scaled back plan covering only 15 million of the uninsured and expanding on MediCaid.  It also does even less reform and barely cuts costs.  Senator Alexander also called on the Democrats to do this piece by piece instead of as a large package.

PlastiGirl then declares that health care is a right and not a priviledge and brings up Teddy Kennedy.  Where is the theatre dramatics?  Come on Plasti, throw yourself across the table as you emote about Teddy and declare, “Let’s do this for Teddy!”  One thing that becomes obvious and apparent is that the President’s thin skin is showing and this sideshow is going nowhere.  Once again, our tax dollars at work…being wasted.

Olberdork Smacked Down By Dallas Tea Party

This is so hilarious!  As someone who has stood at Tea Parties with people of all persuasions and I am gay myself, I found this to be the perfect smack down of the idiots on BSNBC.

Scott Brown Lied

The thunderous applause for the election of Scott Brown to the Senate seat held by Teddy Kennedy for four decades is coming to an abrupt halt.  Conservatives like myself, applauded the election despite the fact that Brown is moderate on social issues because he presented himself during the campaign as a fiscal conservative.  Apparently, he was lying.  Just another typical politician making good on the only thing politicians are really good at: lying.

Yesterday, the Republicans were filibustering Porkulus II, otherwise known as the Jobs Bill.  But at the end of the day, four GOP Senators helped advance the measure to a final vote tomorrow on a 62-30 vote.  The typical RINOs, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and George Voinivich, were three of the votes.  The fourth belonged to Scott Brown.  My how quickly the leopard changes his spots.  What is fisically responsible about a bill that at best would create 250,000 jobs?  The tax breaks in this bill are laughable and not enough to get uncertain small businesses to start hiring.  Many of the jobs are for temporary highway projects.  I am pretty sure that is what Porkulus 1 was all about.  Even Democrat Ben Nelson voted against the measure.

Scott Brown defended himself by commenting, “I came to Washington to be an independent voice, to put politics aside and to do everything in my power to help create jobs for Massachusetts families.  This Senate jobs bill is not perfect … but I voted for it because it contains measures that will help put people back to work.”  Yeah, good one Scott.  You keep up with that bi-partisanship that recklessly increases big government.

Time To Call The White House’s Bluff, Republicans

The President is so proud of his idea for healthcare reform that he released the details quietly on the Whitehouse.gov website this morning.  Where is the primetime press conference?  Where is the national address?  The President has made those kinds of tactics a staple of his plans to implement ObamaCare.  But not this time and the reason is obvious.  ObamaCare is crap!  The President can twist and contort the plans from both the Senate and the House anyway he wants, but the plan is still garbage.  House Minority Leader John Boehner claimed after looking over the President’s plan that it doubles down on failure and puts Thursday’s Healthcare Summit in peril.

And now the White House is prepared to play chicken with the Republicans as The Plum Line points out.  White House advisors threatened on a conference call this morning that if the Republicans filibuster on this plan, then the Senate was going to use reconciliation – that requires only 51 votes – to pass ObamaCare.  I say the Republicans should call their bluff.  Do not show up for this summit on Thursday.  Filibuster this load of dung.  Let the Democrats and the President go down with this sinking ship.  If the Democrats think this ObamaCare legislation and reconciliation is going to get them more votes in November, then have at it because I know that the American people will not stand for this bill being crammed down our throats.  We have let the government know through Tea Parties, town halls, emails and phone calls that we do not want this kind of reform that is anything but reform.

Obama’s plan rolls in at $950 billion dollars, includes the word “tax” thirty-five times, increases fees on brand name drugs, increases the tax base and keeps the Cadillac tax, calls for a comprehensive data base for all of our medical information to be readily available and increases the fee assessed to people who decide to opt out of health insurance coverage.  And that is just for starters.  The public option is missing, but the insurance exchange is in this plan.  And for a little comic relief: the President claims that this will not add to the deficit.  Pretty laughable coming from a man who lied and accused the Republicans of claiming that their plan would cost nothing when in reality the Republicans claimed their plan would not raise taxes a penny.

The Heathcare Summit on Thursday should be very interesting.  I expect to witness a room full of Democrats looking at each other stupidly.

Glenn Beck And Debra Medina Saga

Anyone who has followed this blog for any amount of time knows that I am a loyal fan of Glenn Beck.  I own four of his bestselling books and two of them I have had autographed in person.  I have been to one of his shows and also attended his rally here at The Villages in Florida.  But something has happened to Glenn Beck.  Or rather, I should say that something has happened to me that has sparked my critical eye towards Glenn Beck. 

It actually started at The Villages when Glenn announced his plans for 2010 to help take back this country.  I was not the only disappointed person that day when I heard him announce that he was going to be focusing on education and a one hundred year plan.  I understood the length of such a plan since we did not get to the state of affairs here in America overnight.  But my understanding has been that Glenn was already educating us and had been doing so the previous year.  A fellow attendee admitted that she had the same feeling of a let down.  It made me wonder if this was not just another opportunity to write more books and host more pay to see shows.  I love capitalism, do not get me wrong, but when it is cloaked in an effort to help take back the country I do wonder a bit.

Then Glenn started laying into the “Birthers” and declared them to be idiots.  While I do not believe that the President was born in Kenya, I do have many questions that would probably leave me labeled a “Birther”.  Where is the official birth certificate?  Why has Obama spent millions to end these lawsuits that he could end in a minute with his birth certificate?  Has he ever held a passport for another country?  Was he considered a British citizen since his father was one and his mother was not 18 when he was born?  These are legitimate questions and I do not appreciate being relegated to an idiot for asking them.

Then last Thursday, Debra Medina made her infamous appearance on the Glenn Beck Radio program.  I could tell from the beginning of the interview that Glenn was not open to Debra.  I was not sure why until he asked if she was a 9/11 Truther.  A poor answer to an unexpected question lead some people to believe that Debra Medina thinks the government blew up the twin towers.  To my knowledge, she has never made any such claim.  She simply said what I believe most Americans, inlcuding myself, think about 9/11.  We still have questions.  What did the government know and when did they know it?  Did our government shoot down Flight 93 to save thousands of lives?  Why did Clinton let Bin Laden get away?  Why did these terrorists have expired VISAs?  And the list goes on.  Does this make me a “Truther”?  According to Glenn, I guess I am.  I have covered this issue on several of my radio programs with soundbites from the Beck show and various other radio shows:



Glenn has continued to battle back and twisted the interview he did with Debra Medina on his most recent shows, which really caused me to wonder what in the world was going on with him.  He claimed that she basically lied on another show when she claimed that she laughed off the question about being a 9/11 Truther.  Pat Gray, one of Glenn’s sidekicks, claimed that she didn’t laugh off the question and they played a chopped soundbite that edited out the parts where she laughed (she laughed twice).  I knew this to be a lie since I had listened to the original interview and then recorded and played the soundbites on my radio show.  A radio show host in Texas noticed this same slanted defense from Glenn and I played bits from that show as well:


And now there are revelations about the CEO from Clear Channel, Lowry Mays, and the large amounts of money he has donated to Rick Perry.  The amounts over the years equate to $300,000.

Clear Channel CEO Donations to Perry
Year Donation
2001-2002 $51,400
 2003-2004 $55,000
 2005-2006 $80,000
 2007-2008 $50,000
 2009 $50,000
 Total $286,400
Source: Texas Ethics Commission

h/t to Burnt Orange Report for the above chart and the following comment, “Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and countless other right-wing radio station personalities are owned by Clear Channel. Beck is paid $10 million by a Clear Channel subsidiary for his radio show (Source: Forbes). Is it any surprise, then, that he ambushed Medina the way he did — and subsequently told all of his radio listeners to support Perry? After he finished his interview with Medina, Beck went on to pronounce his love for Rick Perry.” 

I do not know if this is the reason why Glenn has treated Debra Medina this way, but I certainly have had my eyes opened.  I appreciate the education he has given me and the thirst to seek out more information, but my trust has eroded a bit and I have realized, yet again, not to put anyone on a pedestal because they will disappoint you every time.

Bravo To Conservatives For Booing Ryan Sorba!

Thank you to my conservative brothers and sisters for booing this jackass from the stage.  Division will get us nowhere.  Conservatives stand for individual freedom – for everyone!

Obama Has New Plan For ObamaCare

The President used his weekly address today to urge Republicans and Democrats to work together during the upcoming Healthcare Summit to pass ObamaCare.  Let me be clear, I continue to call this monstrosity ObamaCare because this is still ObamaCare we are talking about, not healthcare reform.  The Democrats have been unable to put together their two bills and so the President has stepped in and will present his own plan using pieces from both bills.  Is this not a complete and utter act of ignoring the American people?  We have rejected both bills.  The Republicans have rejected both bills.  The President wants to bring the Republicans inside to help develop a new plan.  And he formulates his own plan using the rejected bills?!  This is not bi-partisanship! 

The Marxist Progressive vein snaking through the government continues even as the President plays bait and switch and talks out of both sides of his mouth.  Reuters is reporting that the new agreement will be a combined budget reconciliation bill.  This means that the bill will only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass this piece of garbage.  So what is the point of a summit?  The Republicans should not attend this meeting at all.  Instead, they should schedule a press conference and present their own bills – one from the House and one from the Senate.

There is rumor that there will be items that would be attractive to Republicans in the plan, but as long as those ideas are enclosed in a bill that also contains healthcare decision boards, a public option and increased taxes, the Republicans should do nothing but burn the bill.  The Republicans would like to slowly dismantle the healthcare system we have now and rebuild it and that seems to be the best plan.  Because any overhaul the Democrats have in mind is actually an overthrow of freedom.

Michael Steele Meets With Tea Partiers

On Tuesday, 50 Tea Partiers – I refuse to call them leaders since the movement has no leaders – met with RNC Chairman Michael Steele at the RNC headquarters.  The meeting was scheduled to last an hour, but ran for a full four hours.  I do not support this move because it appears that we are moving towards the Republicans instead of vice versa.  Why do we need a face to face with Michael Steele?  My greatest fear is that the GOP will arrogantly assume that we have nowhere else to go and will pretend to be on board with conservativism and then slap us in the face.  We must focus our energies on the primaries first and foremost.  And if we do not get quality candidates, we need to be united in supporting a third party candidate.  Otherwise, we just continue the same bullcrap that has been going on for decades.

Michael Steele released a statement after the meeting saying, “For over a year, I have made it a priority to have conversations with different grassroots activists who are concerned with the direction of our country and today’s meeting was an excellent opportunity to continue this conversation.  We share a common purpose in stopping President Obama’s agenda and standing up for principles such as smaller government, lower taxes, free enterprise, and the constitution.”  Then he added this curious thought that he looks forward to continuing to build on these meetings and work to elect people who “will fight to protect the principles which they and a majority of Americans support.”  Why didn’t Mr. Steele refer to the GOP in this comment?  Are Constitutional conservative principles held only by the Tea Party Movement and a majority of Americans?

The one issue that was not raised at this meeting that should have been brought up before anything else is when Michael Steele plans to step down.  This man has lacked leadership skills and has been completely incompetent.  The above statement just being the most recent example of that.  Attendees to the meeting were happy after the event and claimed their questions were answered and they believe they were heard.  Who cares?  They will hear us very clearly at the ballot box.  This was just a photo op for Steele and playing into their hands.