Nancy Pelosi Wants ObamaCare To Pass So We Know What Is In It

PlastiGirl has put on her old thinking cap to generate some new ideas to help her get the votes she needs to pass ObamaCare.  Obviously, she does not have the votes needed right now even though she claims that she does or they would have passed the Senate bill through the House in order to avoid reconciliation.  Today, Plasti delivered a speech at the 2010 Legislative Conference for the National Association of Counties (NACo). This year marks the 75th anniversary of the organization.

She started her comments with, “Your common responsibilities bring you to Washington with a common cause: to strengthen the partnership between America’s counties and the federal government.  It is in that spirit that I have come here today.  It’s in that spirit that we will work together to, as your theme says, to ‘find solutions in tough times.”  Somehow I do not feel comfortable with Plasti suggesting that the federal government should be walking arm in arm with local government.  Our local government is the area where we can affect the most change in order to get government intrusion out of our lives.

PlastiGirl reminded those who were listening, whom it was that started this Progressive Movement in America by saying, “As you are in Washington this week, we stand at the doorstep of history, ready to realize a centuries old dream, started by a Republican President, Teddy Roosevelt.  He was the one who started this country thinking in this direction, and we are deeply in his debt.  But, we are a hundred years late.”  She went on to relate that Teddy wanted universal healthcare.  She then made this preposterous claim, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”  WHAT!?  They have to pass the bill so we know what is in it?!  I thought they have been telling us for a year what is in this legislation.  Who has ever heard of passing a bill so we can actually she what is in that bill? 

She continued with more of the insanity, “Furthermore, we believe that health care reform, again I said at the beginning of my remarks, that we sent the three pillars that the President’s economic stabilization and job creation initiatives were education and innovation—innovation begins in the classroom—clean energy and climate, addressing the climate issues in an innovative way to keep us number one and competitive in the world with the new technology, and the third, first among equals I may say, is health care, health insurance reform.  Health insurance reform is about jobs.  This legislation alone will create 4 million jobs, about 400,000 jobs very soon.”  Excuse me?  This piece of crap tax and spend bill is going to create 4 million jobs?!  This is the first time I have ever heard that claim and I would love to know exactly how that is going to happen.  The government will be driving insurance companies into the ground, which will be job loss.  Doctors will get out of the practice because of the impossible regulations and lack of payments: more job loss.

Then she went on to talk about the courage that will be needed to pass this legislation.  That has been her theme lately.  Courage was needed to pass Social Security and MediCare.  Courage will be needed to set up the infrastructure for government healthcare.  Any person with a brain knows that socialism does not require courage, it requires a desire to control.

4 responses to “Nancy Pelosi Wants ObamaCare To Pass So We Know What Is In It

  1. Pelosi never ceases to amaze me. If we have to pass the bill before we read it, does that mean we can pass amendments to the bill without reading those amendments as well? Should the Senate Republicans have put up legilation to allow states to opt out and not pay for this, but name it something else and not let the full Senate read it, and just vote on it? That is what this Congress is doing to the people! They give this health bill a nice name to cover the crap that is in it, and Pelosi tries to use her head games to play with the hearts of people.

    Just another day in the life of the Speaker.

  2. Here. Drink this. Don’t worry about what’s in it, just drink it. It’s good for you. Just drink. Trust me. Quit being such a wussy. You’ll see what happens after you drink it. You’ll like it.

  3. Nancy is goofy she thinks we forgot that she looked 75 years old just a couple of years ago and now looks 45…like great granny becomes Mom-aged almost overnight!
    She said “500,000 lost jobs monthy”, then somebody said,”Psst…too high…” so Nancy the Nazi Pelosi REPEATED the exaggeration with more emphasis!

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