Tag Archives: Scott Brown

Scott Brown Lied

The thunderous applause for the election of Scott Brown to the Senate seat held by Teddy Kennedy for four decades is coming to an abrupt halt.  Conservatives like myself, applauded the election despite the fact that Brown is moderate on social issues because he presented himself during the campaign as a fiscal conservative.  Apparently, he was lying.  Just another typical politician making good on the only thing politicians are really good at: lying.

Yesterday, the Republicans were filibustering Porkulus II, otherwise known as the Jobs Bill.  But at the end of the day, four GOP Senators helped advance the measure to a final vote tomorrow on a 62-30 vote.  The typical RINOs, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and George Voinivich, were three of the votes.  The fourth belonged to Scott Brown.  My how quickly the leopard changes his spots.  What is fisically responsible about a bill that at best would create 250,000 jobs?  The tax breaks in this bill are laughable and not enough to get uncertain small businesses to start hiring.  Many of the jobs are for temporary highway projects.  I am pretty sure that is what Porkulus 1 was all about.  Even Democrat Ben Nelson voted against the measure.

Scott Brown defended himself by commenting, “I came to Washington to be an independent voice, to put politics aside and to do everything in my power to help create jobs for Massachusetts families.  This Senate jobs bill is not perfect … but I voted for it because it contains measures that will help put people back to work.”  Yeah, good one Scott.  You keep up with that bi-partisanship that recklessly increases big government.