Tag Archives: IMF

IMF Continues Call For Global Currency

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced last week that the IMF is preparing to one day heed the call for a global reserve currency to take the place of the dollar.  This is worrisome considering that the Euro, which used to do better than the dollar, is tanking in Europe.  Strauss-Kahn in a speech said, “That day has not yet come, but I think it is intellectually healthy to explore these kinds of ideas now.”  The IMF has already moved to using a basket of currencies and plans to use that same method of special drawing rights to set up a global currency.  Last year, both China and Russia called for a move away from the dollar and Vladimir Putin even carried around a coin that he referred to as a new global currency. 

The nations of the world were locked together in a global economy after World War II to prevent a future world war.  Thus, whenever one country starts to falter, every country is affected.  The IMF was formed in 1944 at this time to oversee this global financial system. The IMF has grown from 45 original members to 186 countries.  One person’s idea of a global system to prevent war is another person’s way of implementing a new world order after a global economic collapse.

If you think that a global currency is far off in the distant future, than it is time to wake up.  There are organizations like the Single Global Currency Organization that are already pushing for a global currency to meet the demands of a global economy.  Their website states, ” The Single Global Currency Association was incorporated in June, 2003 in the U.S. State of Maine.  Morrison Bonpasse is the first President of the Association, with his term running through 2015.   He publicly declared his support for the Single Global Currency during his campaign for State Representative in 2002.” 

Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve Chairman, actually made that statement for the need of a global currency.  Keep in mind that Volcker is the Chariman of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.  The systematic dismantling of America’s free market system by the government makes it very apparent that there is an effort to push the world into an economic emergency that would birth a new global currency.  And what better to run a global currency, than a global government?