Tag Archives: torture

Nancy Pelosi Must Step Down!

The American people are tired of the same old politics in Washington D.C.  President Obama reminded us of that over and over again during the campaign.  There was a promise that chancge was coming, but the reality is that nothing in Washington changes as long as the faces stay the same.  And while Nancy Pelosi’s face has most certainly changed over the years, her tactics are the same approach taken by politicians for decades.  The tactic she has employed over the last few days is lie, lie, lie and then lie some more.  Frankly, we are sick of it and Pelosi must step down from her Speaker of the House position.

Nancy Pelosi’s most current fabrication is that the CIA lied to Congress about waterboarding.   The American people are asking what Nancy knew and when did she know it.  When Pelosi was still just a representative in Congress, she was briefed along with other members about enhanced interrogation techniques.  This occured on September 4th, 2002.  The Speaker claims that she was briefed about the different techniques that might be used, but was not told that they were going to be used.  Regardless of what the details are in that regard, if she felt so strongly that waterboarding was torture, should she not have commented that she would not support the use of waterboarding at that time?  The CIA is claiming that during those briefings, they informed Congress that enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding were already being used.

A February 2003 CIA document reveals that a Pelosi aide was briefed that waterboarding was being employed.  The Speaker had to admit that she was aware that the meeting took place, thus contradicting herself when she claimed she had no knowledge.  That equates to being a lie.  Here is the exchange that took place during the press conference:

QUESTION: Madam Speaker, just to be clear, you are accusing the CIA of lying to you in September of 2002.

PELOSI: Yes, misleading the Congress of the United States.

QUESTION: And also…

PELOSI: Misleading the Congress of the United States.

QUESTION: And doing it again now, as they’ve released this list of briefings that says you were briefed on the interrogation tactics used.

PELOSI: I’m saying — I’m quoting what the head of the CIA said. This is — we don’t know if this information is accurate that he’s talking about. What they briefed us on — and perhaps they should release the briefings. I would be very happy if they would release the briefing, and then you will see what they briefed in one time — in one time and another, House and Senate and the rest.

And perhaps with the intense interest that this has generated because of the distraction that the Republicans want to cause with this, then you can make a judgment yourself about what you think these briefings were. But I’m telling you that they talked about interrogations that they had done and said, We want to use enhanced techniques, and we have legal opinions that say they are OK. We’re not using waterboarding. That’s the only mention, that they were not using it. And we now know that earlier, they were.

So yes, I am saying that they are misleading — that the CIA was misleading the Congress.

And now they’re trying to say, Don’t put the spotlight on us. We told the Congress. Well, they didn’t tell us everything that they were doing. And the fact is that anything we would say doesn’t matter anyway.

QUESTION: You said very clearly, We were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used.

PELOSI: That’s right. I meant we. We in that — in that — in that meeting.


PELOSI: In the briefing that I received, we were not told that — in fact, we were told that waterboarding was not being used.  No, I wasn’t — I was informed that a briefing had taken place. Now, you have to look at what they briefed those members. I was not briefed that. I was only informed that they were briefed, but I did not get the briefing.

Madame Speaker, you have lied to the American people!  You are a disgrace!  Not only should you step down from your place as Speaker of the House, but you should go back to San Francisco with your head hung in shame and resign from your position as Representative.  We are sick of the games and sick of your crap!

President Obama’s First Moves – Destroy America’s Security And Reveal That He Is A Puppet

President Barack Obama wasted no time today in standing by his leftist promises to his progressive disciples by issuing three executive orders today, one of which calls for the closing of Gitmo within a year.  Watching the video of the signing ceremony was eye opening not only because I watched the man who’s main job is to keep America safe throw that responsibility overboard, but because he was revealed as the puppet that I believed him to be.  President Obama was all about image during his entire campaign and I always had this feeling that I needed to look for the man behind the curtain.  Well, there is most definately more than just one man behind the curtain, but the puppeteer today was White House Counsel Greg Craig.  Obama glanced in Craig’s direction throughout the photo-op/press conference as he spoke haltingly and asked Craig about two different Executive Orders and what they entailed revealing that he had not actually read them.  So let me get this straight, they bring over the paperwork and just tell him to sign here and here and he does?

Obama said that the United States does not have “to continue with a false choice between our safety and our ideals.”  He just did.  Before Obama signed these orders he earlier called for a suspension of the war crime trials at Gitmo for 120 days enraging 9/11 families.  The president also said he was issuing the orders to “restore the standards of due process and the core constitutional values that have made this country great even in the midst of war, even in dealing with terrorism.”  These freaking terrorists do not have Constitutional rights!!!  They can rot in prison for all I care.

A second Executive Order bans torture and requires that terror interrogations be guided by the Army field manual.  President Obama said that we can “still effectively obtain the intelligence we need.”  Really?  How?  By giving them teddy bears and telling them we like them?!  No terror prison, bring the terrorists on to our soil and no torture – even acts which I don’t consider torture like waterboarding and sleep deprivation – and we’re suppose to be secure?!  This is where we were before 9/11.  Well folks, I predicted by summer we will be attacked and now there is no stopping them.

A third executive order establishes an interagency task force that will review individual cases of terrorists and lead a systematic review of detention policies and procedures.  That task force will also provide Obama with “information in terms of how we are able to deal (with) the disposition of some of the detainees that may be currently in Guantanamo that we cannot transfer to other countries, who could pose a serious danger to the United States.”  Umm…he does realize that 85% of prisoners we let go from Gitmo are back out being terrorists again, right?

Of course John McCain and Lindsey Graham kissed up to Obama and commended him for these moves, but some Republicans remember that they have an image to restore.  Michigan GOP Rep. Peter Hoekstra said, “We cannot risk going back to the politically correct national security policies that left us vulnerable in the lead-up to 9/11.  Without a clear plan for the detention and interrogation of captured terrorists and combatants, we are unnecessarily risking the safety of our nation.”

Well, our enemies were already burning President Obama’s image in effigy right before the Inauguration, so let’s see if this changes things.  I’m sure the world will love the politically correct America now.  Let me leave you with this:

Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder Will Weaken America

While most critics of the Eric Holder nomination for Attorney General are focusing on the passes he gave to President Clinton’s pardons of people like Mark Rich, I’m more focused on his opinions on torture and what America should do about the terrorists incarcerated down at Gitmo.  Holder broke from the Bush administration’s counterterrorism policies and said that he believes that waterboarding is torture.  He then pledged to prosecute the detainees from Gitmo in U.S. courts.  That sounds wonderful considering the costs of prosecuting these terrorists not only monetarily, but also to our safety.  Yes, let’s bring the terrorists into our country.  Particularly with the knowledge that many of the terrorists we released from Gitmo have gone right back to terrorism.  And without the use of “torture” we have no way of getting these animals to give us information that we need.  I put “torture” in quotations because I do not believe the tactics we use are torture.  Torture to me is cutting people open or lopping off body parts or whipping and so on.

This is the latest signal that President-elect Barack Obama will chart a new course in combatting terrorism and whatever that new course is (because he is vague about everything) I am positive it will weaken America.  Holder said that both he and Obama were disturbed over decisions that the Bush Adminstration had made in regards to torture.  Protesters in the gallery voiced their approval when Holder made his comments.  And if protesters approve of something the government says, then I know I better be worried.

 Holder will most definately be headed for confirmation because the Democrats love him and the Republicans did what they always do – put their tails between their legs and did not give Holder any tough questioning.   Sen. Lindsay Graham, who gives Republicans a bad name and has been kissing up to Obama, told Holder, “I’m almost ready to vote for you right now,” and said he looked forward to working with Holder in the future.  Did someone say that the Republicans are changing course?  Yeah, I’m really starting to believe that – they’re going to move even further to the left.